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Main sound category: Lateral fricatives
Sound category: voiceless alveolar lateral fricative
IPA symbol: ɬ
Sounds in category: *ɬʷː *ɬʷ *ɬʲ *ɬː ɬʲ ɬ *ɬʼ
Occurs in 55 languages
That is in 11.18% of all languages
Occurs in: Archi Archi Lai Avar Archi Lai Chukchi Avar Archi Brahui Po-ai Lungchow Zuni Bella coola Aleut Shuswap Eyak Wiyot Upper chehalis Tlingit Haida Tseshaht Navajo Picuris Alabama Yuchi Ik Dahalo Socotri Itelmen Bats Kwakw'ala Diegueno Nez perce Tsimshian Totonac Ahtna Lushootseed Movima Quileute Hupa Kotoko Nyangi Zulu Sandawe Hadza Lame Ngizim Tera Iraqw Margi Wahgi Sorani Tlingit Yuchi