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Main sound category: Implosives
Sound category: voiced bilabial implosive
IPA symbol: ɓ
IPA description: voiced bilabial implosive
UPSID symbol: b<
UPSID description: voiced bilabial implosive
Occurs in 49 languages
That is in 9.96% of all languages
Occurs in: Aizi Angas Bete Brao Dahalo Daju Dan Dangaleat Doayo Gbeya Gwari Hamer Hausa Igbo Ik Iraqw Jacaltec Kadugli Karen Khmer Khmu? Kohumono Koma Konyagi Kotoko Kpelle Lua Maasai Maidu Margi Mazahua Mba-ne Mbum Movima Mumuye Mursi Ndut Nyangi Ogbia Phlong Sango Southern nambiquara Sre Tama Tarok Tera Vietnamese Yulu Zulu