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Main sound category: Ejective affricates
Sound category: voiceless postalveolar ejective affricate
IPA symbol: tʃʼ
IPA description: voiceless postalveolar ejective affricate
UPSID symbol: tS'
UPSID description: voiceless palato-alveolar sibilant ejective affricate
Occurs in 44 languages
That is in 8.94% of all languages
Occurs in: !Xu Acoma Amharic Archi Armenian Avar Bats Caddo Chipewyan Dahalo Dakota Dizi Eyak Georgian Hadza Haida Huasteco Hupa Itonama Jacaltec Jaqaru K'ekchi Kefa Lak Lushootseed Mazahua Navajo Qawasqar Quechua Quileute Rutul Shasta Tehuelche Tigre Tlingit Tseshaht Upper chehalis Wappo Wintu Yana Yucatec Yuchi Zulu Zuni