Welcome to L1-L2map. L1-L2map is implemented as a wiki, to which you may be able to contribute, too (see below). But if you want to get started straight away, just select “Languages” from the menu at the top of the page.
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L1-L2map is a tool for contrastive analysis of the phonetic segment inventories of over 500 languages. The language data is based on the UCLA Phonetic Segment Inventory Database, UPSID (Maddieson, 1984). The UPSID data has been extended a) by the addition of new languages and b) by adding positional information for the consonants.
L1-L2map is a tool for contrastive analysis of the phonetic segment inventories of over 500 languages. The language data is based on the UCLA Phonetic Segment Inventory Database, UPSID (Maddieson, 1984). The UPSID data has been extended a) by the addition of new languages and b) by adding positional information for the consonants.
If you want to obtain information about the languages in the UPSID database, but are not interested in a contrastive analysis, you can use the simple user interface developed by Henning Reetz.
Another relevant resource can be The LAPSyD Database created by Ian Maddieson in collaboration with the Laboratoire Dynamique de Langage (DDL) in Lyon.
Jacques Koreman, Olaf Husby and Preben Wik are responsible for the structure and design of L1-L2map, together with Øyvind Bech who has implemented the system.
Jacques Koreman, Olaf Husby and Preben Wik are responsible for the structure and design of L1-L2map, together with Øyvind Bech who has implemented the system.
We are grateful for help in making L1-L2map even better. L1-L2map is a wiki, and researchers with a phonetic-phonological background are invited to contribute by sending an e-mail to calst@hf.ntnu.no. Once you have been granted language expert privileges, you can contribute with a revision/addition of the data for your mother tongue, and/or with the addition of positional information. It is also possible to define the sound inventories for dialects of your mother tongue, as was done for Norwegian. The reason for doing this for Norwegian is that the language does not have an accepted standard pronunciation.
We are grateful for help in making L1-L2map even better. L1-L2map is a wiki, and researchers with a phonetic-phonological background are invited to contribute by sending an e-mail to calst@hf.ntnu.no. Once you have been granted language expert privileges, you can contribute with a revision/addition of the data for your mother tongue, and/or with the addition of positional information. It is also possible to define the sound inventories for dialects of your mother tongue, as was done for Norwegian. The reason for doing this for Norwegian is that the language does not have an accepted standard pronunciation.
Husby, O., & Øvregaard, Å., Wik, P., Bech, Ø., Albertsen, E., Nefzaoui, S., Skarpnes, E. & Koreman, J. (2011). Dealing with L1 background and L2 dialects in Norwegian CAPT, Proc. of the workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE2011), Venice (Italy).
Husby, O., & Øvregaard, Å., Wik, P., Bech, Ø., Albertsen, E., Nefzaoui, S., Skarpnes, E. & Koreman, J. (2011). Dealing with L1 background and L2 dialects in Norwegian CAPT, Proc. of the workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE2011), Venice (Italy).
Koreman, J., Husby, O. & Wik, P. (2012). Comparing sound inventories for CAPT, in: O. Engwall (ed.), Proc. International Symposium on the Automatic Detection of Errors in Pronunciation Training (IS-ADEPT), Stockholm, 115-116. Stockholm: KTH, Computer Science and Communication (abstract).
Koreman, J., Bech, Ø., Husby, O. & Wik, P. (2011). L1-L2map: a tool for multi-lingual contrastive analysis, Proc. 17th Int. Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS2011), Hong Kong.
Maddieson, I. 1984. Patterns of Sounds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wik, P., Husby, O., Øvregaard, Å, Bech, Ø, Albertsen, E., Nefzaoui, S., Skarpnes, E & Koreman, J. (2011). Contrastive analysis through L1-L2map, Proc. FONETIK 2011, Stockholm (Sweden), pp. 49-52.